Tuesday 20 January 2015

OVERVIEW: Brilliant Teeth Whitening Kit

I've always craved whiter brighter teeth and have tried nearly every whitening tooth paste on the market without much effect. Yesterday I picked up this kit from Brilliant which claims to whiten your teeth four shades in week. Inside the pack is an accelerator, a developer and whitening toothpaste as well as the tray to add it all to your teeth.

I tried it this morning and it was a really simple process. Simply rub the accelerator across your teeth, squeeze a little developer into the tray and pop into your mouth for ten minutes before rinsing and brushing with the included toothpaste. I was really impressed that there was no disgusting taste or smell, however it was a little weird trying to get ready with a chunky mouth guard in.

After removal my teeth didn't look much whiter but felt incredibly clean. The kit only cost £6 so I won't be massively out of pocket if it doesn't live up to my expectations. The directions are to do this twice a day for a week so fingers crossed I will see some results after this! I'll be posting up the results this time next week so be sure to look out for that post!


  1. Hey! you have been nominated for the Liebster Award! Please visit here for more info:


  2. I've always been worried about trying tooth whitening products, in fear of them making my teeth super sensitive, so I'm excited to read your results post!


